Shro'Gar Bloodaxe. Orcs bloody axes Family and friends

Drops of blood flowed from the inscription to the floor. In huge letters on the wall it was written: I WARNED! Directly below the inscription, on the floor, were pieces of meat, eyes, teeth, and yellow bones. Nikolai fell to his knees, tears flowed from his eyes, red tears.

Four days ago.
- Don't open your eyes, just a little longer.
“Kolya, what a childhood,” the young girl smiled.
- That's it, open it.
A young couple stood in the living room of their new apartment. Alexandra, Nikolai’s wife, was in seventh heaven, finally having her own apartment.
“Thank you,” Sasha kissed her beloved.
First night in a new apartment. Kolya could not sleep. He had already gotten up several times and simply wandered around the apartment. That night the young man could not sleep. In the morning Kolya noticed that not everything was in order. In the kitchen, there was a pan filled with water on the stove. The young man asked Sasha why she filled the pan, but in response he received only a perplexed look.
“Maybe you were sleepwalking,” Sasha smiled, kissed her husband and went to work.
Kolya worked from home, he traded on the stock exchange, so he spent a lot of time at the computer.
Second night in the new apartment. That night Kolya slept normally, but soon woke up from a strange clicking sound. The young man stood up and walked towards the sound. The clicking sound came from the living room. What Nikolai saw threw him into a stupor. The laptop on which Nikolai was working was turned on, and the keys were pressed by themselves. A message appeared on the screen: GET OUT OF MY APARTMENT OR I WILL KILL YOUR WIFE!!!
Kolya rubbed his eyes trying to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was lying in bed, and Sasha was sleeping next to him. In the morning, Nikolai told his wife everything, but she said that it was just a bad dream.
Third night in the new apartment. Kolya tried to drive the stranger away, but instead of words, air came out of his mouth. Something still continued to sit in the chair, and Kolya was still kneeling in the center of the living room. In the morning, the young man did not remember how he ended up in his bed again, but he perfectly remembered the night visit of the stranger. Nikolai did not tell Alexandra anything.

Hello, Denis We need to meet, I need your help. Nikolai met with his old friend, who now worked in the police. Kolya did not tell him anything, but simply asked to find out the history of his apartment. What Denis said was terrible. It turns out that not long ago there was a mass murder in the apartment. The husband and father killed his entire family, shouting: get out of my apartment. After which he dismembered the bodies and collected pieces of meat and bones in one large pile.
“Now it’s clear why I bought it so cheap,” Kolya sighed. The young man walked around the apartment waiting for his beloved. Kolya wanted to leave this apartment as quickly as possible.
- My God, no! Looking out the window, Nikolai couldn’t believe his eyes. Just a second ago it was light outside, but now it was as if night had fallen. Kolya ran to the bedroom. Late. Sasha was already lying in bed, and seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Kolya grabbed his beloved by the hand and tried to lift her, but Sasha’s body remained on the bed, and her hand remained in Nikolai’s hands. The body was dismembered. Red spots began to appear on the sheet. There was a knock on the door, then again, the door creaked. Nikolai turned around. Bloody stains crawled along the wall, which soon turned into the inscription: I WARNED!
Kolya fell to his knees. There was no way he could see what was happening behind him. A huge man with a bloody ax in his hands appeared out of nowhere. Swing of the ax...

Warhammer 40,000 Universe - Orcs - Bloody Axes
Warhammer 40,000 Universe
Bloody Axes

Warhammer 40,000 Universe

Bloody Axes

Blood Axes Clan

Blood Ax Clan known by its totem - the sign of bloody crossed axes. They always have a lot of disagreements with any other clan - disagreements that cannot be explained solely by the natural hostility of the clans among the orc race. Some orcs suspect that this is the result of instigation by the Imperium of Man, the secret patron of the Blood Ax clan. The Imperium uses the Blood Axes as a fifth column to infiltrate Ork society and as a buffer clan to absorb any unrest among the Orks.

This clan was once very powerful, and easily dominated orc society for a long time. When they started having too many friendly dealings with outsiders (especially humans), it was too much for the other clans. The result was a war known as the Great Civil War. The clan continues to deal with humans to this day, having become dependent on subsidies from the Imperium. Imperial subsidies are secret.

The clan does not use much Imperial equipment, mainly because the authorities of the Imperium prefer to pay for the Blood Axes' alliance with their own currency rather than with weapons. However, there are independent traders who still trade weapons with the orcs.

Although the Imperium does not openly arm the Blood Axes, the influence of the Imperial military style is obvious to everyone. Clan warriors have many heavy weapons of Imperial production, wear uniforms, camouflage, and have insignia. The clan's armed forces are as disciplined as possible for orcs. Warlords have a better understanding of strategy than commanders of other clans. Among clan officers, such purely Imperial elements as epaulettes, medals, monocles, caps and other decor are popular.

As a result, the troops of the Bloody Ax clan are more likely to be regular disciplined army than a wild crowd of warriors. Naturally, in the opinion of orcs of other clans, all this is completely unorcish! But along with these attributes, it is common for the clan to decorate the back plates with the clan symbol, earrings in the shape of an axe, and black or blue war paint. The Blood Axes' favorite melee weapon is, naturally, the axe. According to clan tradition, Blood Axes do not wipe the blood from their blades after battle.

A little about orcs

"We're coming, we're coming, we're coming!
We're going, we're going - through space!
We're coming, here we go, here we go!
We are going - through Biscay!
We're coming, we're coming, we're coming!
When we arrive, we will know where we are!”
An orc space chant, usually sung when loading onto a space hulk or ship.

Orcs are an alien people who are born and die on the battlefield (in the literal sense of the word - after all, after death, an orc or gretchin releases spores, from which new generations of greenskins then grow).
Orcs are a savage, brutal and war-loving race. They are the dominant element of the Orkoid race, which includes the Orcs and their lesser relatives, the Gretchin or Grots and the Snotlings. Since Orcs are larger and tougher than other Orkoids, they logically form the warrior elite of the race. They command gretchin and snotlings, often treating them as chattel. This status quo, however, is not without benefit for the lesser Orkoids, as the Orkoids also protect and care for them. Without this, life for the gretchin and snotlings could have been much worse.
Orcs are a symbiosis of animals and plants, which explains the green color of their skin and amazing regeneration capabilities. (For example, an orc, with some luck, can survive decapitation and a head transplant onto the body of another orc). Orcs reproduce by spores, which are separated from the orc throughout its life and fall out abundantly after death. Once in the soil, the spores germinate and develop into a cocoon, from which an Ork, Gretchin, Snotling or Squig subsequently emerges. The older, and therefore larger and stronger the orc, the greater the chance of a full-fledged orc emerging from its spores. Although much depends on the environmental conditions in which cocoons germinate and develop. Orcs grow by winning battles, and therefore the larger the orc, the stronger it is.
Orkoids and their subspecies
Orcs are the pinnacle of an ecosystem constantly created around them by dispersed spores. Elements of this system:
Mold. Orcoid embryos.
Squigs. Unintelligent beings that exist in many species. The average squig is like a bubble with a toothy mouth, a tail and a pair of legs, about the size of a dog, but there are such exotic species as hair squigs (which wealthy orcs wear on their heads to imitate hairstyles) or exploding squigs (bred as weapons for their ability to under severe stress (for example, if an orc grabs him and throws him) explode due to a sharp increase in pressure in the stomachs). Squigs typically feed on orc waste and serve as food for the orcs themselves.
Snotlings. A small parody of orcs, the size of a three-year-old child. They have an instinctive understanding of squigs and are good at cultivating mold, which is why they are employed in orc "farming" or act as orc pets.
Gretchins are small green-skinned creatures that serve as labor. The Orc hierarchy is built on strength and size. Therefore, the gretchins (or grots) turned out to be the lowest class.
Orcs. Orcs themselves are large and powerful creatures, the top of the pyramid.
According to customs, after a battle, only the Warboss (also Big Boss or War Leader) - the largest, strongest and greenest orc - can choose the trophies he likes.

An innate knowledge of technology allows orcs to assemble weapons directly from metal scraps. Sometimes a special orc is born from a cocoon - a mek. Meks have more extensive knowledge of technology than other orcs, and can even assemble a spaceship.
Orcs believe that vehicles painted red go faster. And it really does go! However, attempts to paint gretchins red, oddly enough, did not lead to an increase in productivity.
The orc's brain has two leading centers. One of them is stimulated by loud sounds, the second by the sensation of speed. When Orcs are excited by loud noises, such as the roar of battle, or the joy of riding very fast, they feel an incomparable happiness.
Orcs' currency is teeth, so the brutality of an orc's weapons often depends on the number of its teeth. To intimidate enemies (and often allies), orc bosses hang necklaces, headbands with the teeth of defeated enemies, or the fangs of fellow tribesmen knocked out in a recent drunken brawl. The teeth are also used in the construction of saw swords (chainswords). Since orc teeth are durable, such sawswords are in no way inferior to their counterparts from the Empire. All kinds of spiked armor are also made from teeth.
According to the legends of the orcs themselves, there once existed a main race of green-skins - smart people who changed the genetics of their kind, transferred the reproduction of the species to the level of spores and actually created what is now called “orcology” by imperial science. At the moment, orcology is a fairly simple scheme. The spores of any greenskin individual develop along the following chain: squigs (animals), snotlings (a primitive form of intelligent life), grots (aka gretchins or goblins) and, only if there are enough lower forms around, orcs.
Imperial scientists believe that orcs are indeed an artificially created species, an out-of-control biological weapon of some lost (extinct or destroyed by the orcs themselves) civilization. Many things indicate an artificial origin - in particular, the fact that the skills of creating and using weapons are built directly into the genetic code of orcs, which is why even “Mowgli” orcs who grew up completely apart from their species are able to assemble weapons (and more complex things, up to heavy military equipment) from improvised means and go to war.
Orcs speak a corrupted Low Gothic, but their fangs prevent them from pronouncing words correctly. They cannot pronounce the letter “h” and the ending “er”. In writing, "er" is replaced with "a". Therefore, for example, “hunter” is pronounced as “unta”, “shooter” as “shoota”, etc. In addition, orcs cannot pronounce “th”, and pronounce it as “f”. For example: "teef", "fings", and "fose" instead of "teeth", "things", and "those". Orcs also pronounce words ending in “s” more harshly, replacing “s” with “z” (Slugga Boyz, Grotz, Mad Dokz, etc.). In general, Orc speech is similar to slang like Cockney. There is no single standard for translation into Russian - some translators, for example, force orcs to communicate with an accent (although imitation of existing accents, for example Caucasian or Ukrainian, looks simply ridiculous).

Warsong Clan

Songs of War


Spirits and ancestors


After the Iron Horde attacked Azeroth, Shro'Gar began to look much more menacing, thereby standing out among the rest of his people. His entire body is covered in tattoos of animals and weapons, which cover large and heavy armor. Now, after killing each enemy, the orc tattoos himself in the shape of the enemy’s weapon or the beast he killed. These designs are spread all over Ax’s body. And when, for example, there is no place for a tattoo on his arm, Shro draws it directly on other tattoos.
He has rather rough facial features, and the orc's nose is almost invisible to other people due to his long and sharp fangs. Since the warrior is a veteran of the Third War, the campaign in Outland, the campaign against the Lich King, the Cataclysm and Pandaria, the grunt’s face shows many scars inflicted in battle. There are also several wounds on the orc’s chest, but they cannot be seen due to the images of tools and animals on Shro’Gar’s torso.
Previously, on the head of the grunt there was a huge and unkempt head of dark purple hair, but now the warrior shaved his hair with a knife and tied it into a small ponytail and the same algorithm happened with the beard as with the hairstyle.
Through a lifetime of training and battle, the Orc has acquired a muscular physique that will force any opponent to rethink whether to go at him openly or not. After the battle with the bloody knight Teardan, he lost his left arm and right leg, including his tattoo. But then he went into one battle against the Burning Legion and the Abyss, during which, miraculously, Shro'Gar acquired limbs that were as similar as possible to those that were before their loss along with tattoos.


Perseverance. Shro'Gar always goes to his goal, without turning around or stopping. His weapon, the Bloody Ax, cuts the Horde's enemies in half and this is what makes the orc more confident in himself due to the fact that he has earned this relic. The warrior commits actions only based on out of honesty and correctness of choice, and if something doesn’t work out, the warrior looks for a way out of the problem and most often overcomes it.
Bloodthirstiness. Shro'Gar, like his native clan, thirsts for battle. The Orc was able to kill many enemies throughout his military career, from pitiful people to the lords of horror. He fought all his life and never let go of his weapon. Destroy anyone in the name of the Horde - the meaning of life of the Bloody Axe.
Friendliness. Despite the previous point, the grunt does not mind having a drink with representatives of his faction. Shro will consider a friend as a brother if he proves his faith and love for his faction. No one always quarreled or swore with the Bloody Axes, and they rarely went out to the mountain.
In his free time, the orc socializes with his brothers and sisters, drinking all the grog from his bowl.


The Bloody Ax is a family heirloom of the same family. These weapons are passed down to the orcs from generation to generation, selecting those worthy to use them. Shro"Gar is no exception. He defeated his brothers in a duel and his former owner, Val"Gar the Bloody Axe. Afterwards the orc received the relic and still uses it to this day.

Shro'Gar doesn't just lightly hit the enemy. He unleashes all his fury on him, cutting off limbs and heads, especially demons, for which the orc is popular in his circles. This is how the Ax killed the mad wolf.

Shro delivers his blows very quickly and deftly, even if he has prosthetic arms and legs, which he can barely move due to the fact that the new limbs are rusty. Therefore, Shro'Gar has to warm them up by fighting in a friendly duel with his comrades. And so, the orc moves very quickly, which gives the warrior a head start to win. These skills are given to him with an eagle tattoo.

Shro'Gar is a worthy destroyer of demons. He has fought with the Burning Legion since his youth and knows all their tricks. From the wrist to the shoulder of his left hand, there are tattoos of demonic weapons and images of the flaming monsters themselves.

Place in the world

Family and friends

Val'Gar the Bloody Ax

The father of Shro"Gar, who taught the heir the art of war. Val"Gar himself once slaughtered five squads of ogres, for which he received his Bloody Ax. He died in the Third War and was covered in arrows from the Night Elves.

Kranag Bloodaxe

Uncle Shro'Gara and the weakest member of the family. Old and weak, but smart and cunning, although the Bloody Axes do not admit this. He is deprived of his left fang, thin and wiry. But Kranag is a good hunter and uses a bow perfectly, which always saved him. Alive .

Likgosh Bloody Ax

Brother of Shro "Gar. He is a grunt in service in Orgrimmar.


An orc from the Frostwolf clan and comrade of Shro'Gar. Bloody Ax met him during the campaign in the Tanaan Jungle and to this day works with him.

Rappar Bloody Ax

The older brother of Shro'Gara. Found in the Arathi Highlands after his squad was destroyed in Stromgarde. Only Rappar survived.


Shro'Gar carries with him forty silver and two copper coins, the cape of Nok'Gor and a magic crystal that was created by Will'Gosh, Bloody Axe's cousin.


Baby Shro"Gar was born on Azeroth from Taggra and Val"Gar of the Bloody Axes

← 9 months after OLT

He studied martial arts with his father until Val'Gar himself died.

← 10-20 years after OLT

The Orc survived the campaign against the Lich King, the horrors of the Cataclysm and the war in Pandaria and met many Horde warriors.

← 20-30 years after OLT

He left the Warsong army and joined the organization "Nok" Gora, with which he went to the Tanaan jungle to recapture the home world of his fathers and mothers from the Burning Legion

← 31 years after OLT

Wagering location:

private game server

Wagering type:

Heroic adventure social


Constant wagering


After the Iron Horde attacked Azeroth, Shro'Gar began to look much more formidable, thereby standing out among the rest of his people.

Before this I didn’t stand out as anything special. An ordinary guy from the court of Orgrimmar.

His entire body is covered in tattoos of animals and weapons, which are covered with large and heavy armor.

Covered in tattoos...
Animals and weapons

Large and heavy armor? Are the armor large and light?

The ax has rather rough facial features, and the orc's nose is almost invisible to other people due to its long and sharp fangs.

Not an Orc, not Shro'Gar, but Ax has rough facial features. Maybe he should have put it in quotation marks?
Is your nose not visible to other people? What about other races?
The fangs apparently have grown right into the nose, or they are so huge that they cover not only the nose but also half the face.

Since he is a veteran of the Third War, the campaign in Outland, the campaign against the Lich King, the Cataclysm and Pandaria, the grunt's face shows many scars inflicted in battle.

Non-veterans of almost all WoW addons are not supposed to have scars.

Previously, on Shro’s head there was a huge and unkempt head of dark purple hair,

Orc informal? Orc hipster?

and now the warrior shaved his hair and tied it in a small ponytail, and the same algorithm happened with the beard as with the hairstyle.

The hair was removed from the head, neatly collected and tied into small ponytails. Does he carry it with him?

Through a lifetime of training and battle, the Orc has acquired a muscular physique that attracts many Orcs,

There were only weak suckers and nerds around, and Shrogar was the only one.

because of one of them, he has three heirs to the Bloody Axe.

It's all her fault...

After a battle with the bloody knight Teardan, he lost his left arm and right leg, but then went into one battle against the Burning Legion and the Abyss, during which, miraculously, Shro'Gar acquired limbs that were as similar as possible to those they had before their loss.

> lost his left arm and right leg, but then went into one battle against the Burning Legion and the Abyss

Disabled man on the battlefield. Why not?

> miraculously, Shro"Gar acquired limbs that were as similar as possible to those they had before they were lost.
Cancer is not capable of such things.

The character of the orc is simply something magnificent.

His weapon, the Bloody Axe, cuts the Horde's enemies in half and this is what makes the orc more confident in himself

Without an axe, an orc sometimes doubts his abilities. At such moments, he begins to look for the enemy in order to cut him in two. And if she was cut into two, does her self-confidence decrease?

The warrior fought all his life and never laid down his weapon


The ax delivers his blows very quickly and deftly, even if he has prosthetic arms and legs, which he can barely move due to the fact that the new limbs are rusty. Therefore, Shro'Gar has to warm them up by fighting in a friendly duel with his comrades. And so, the orc moves very quickly, which gives the warrior a head start to win.

Again the quotation marks are missing.

>very quickly and dexterously, even if he has prosthetics on his arm and leg, which he can barely move

Quickly and deftly moves barely moving prostheses. Cool.

> that the new limbs are rusty. Therefore, Shro'Gar has to warm them up by fighting in a friendly duel with his comrades

Lubricating moving mechanisms is for suckers.

Shro'Gar is now in the Tanaan Jungle, and three days earlier he was on Azeroth to give the Bloody Ax to his family. He believes that the relic should not belong to him due to the fact that he did not die during a duel with the blood elf Teardan. Now The orc wears the runic blade Bloody Crusher. The sword is enchanted with impenetrability runes, with which the weapon cannot be destroyed.

Return a family heirloom to the family. In fact, everything is different.
Shrogar upgraded himself and became the proud wearer of rusty prosthetics. The old, boring Bloody Ax has become banal and generic. Therefore, we will replace it with (!) RUNE BLADE BLOODY CRUSHER (special effects of explosions are behind*)

Many years ago, the outskirts of a provincial sector... - Commander! The orcs are advancing, thousands, maybe even tens of thousands! - shouted a young guardsman who ran into the headquarters, forcing those present to turn their gaze to him. - Orcs? What clan? What color are their clothes? - the man in a large cap and gold shoulder straps asked calmly. - I don’t know, the Reds, apparently a small gang... What do you want to do, sir? - the soldier hesitated. “And so it’s clear that...” the commander muttered in response and quickly walked deeper into the headquarters, pursued by the young cannon fodder. - Sir, sir! What's our plan? - he did not let up. Suddenly the commander stopped at a panel with many instruments and answered with a smile: “We will press the red button.” And, oddly enough, he pressed the big red button, can you imagine? At the same moment, a rain of fire rained down from the sky onto the ground, which in fact were just blue landing capsules, from which, after landing, blue men with sawswords and huge bolters immediately ran out. From this entire crowd, one space marine stood out, unlike the others, and apparently was their commander. What gave it away most, of course, was the plasma cutter, sparkling with blue flashes of electricity. - Attack! - he shouted and waved his weapon towards the approaching horde of green-skinned barbarians... *** At the same time, the orc horde... - BOYZ! FUCKING, SHEPHERD THEIR KHARASHENKA SHOB KNEW WHO THE COOL GUYS ARE HERE!!! - yelled the largest orc in the crowd, urging his charges on with healing slaps, although it was not necessary to urge the orcs, but the grots... Yes, these small creatures did not want to die in a glorious mess, unlike the real green guys, and so they had to Always make sure they don't run away. And so the horde approached the people's stronghold within gunshot. Bolters, jesters, and orcs roared. The Ultramarines confidently destroyed the crowds of xenos, but there seemed to be no end to them. - Death to the green-skinned creatures! We will not disgrace the emperor, time is needed for General Gree to be able to leave the planet, and we will provide it! - the voice of the captain of the space marines roared over the valley, who had already begun to retreat but were now repelling the enemy attack with renewed vigor. - RIGHT NOW I’M SCALING!!! - suddenly one orc from the crowd, holding a staff and wearing armor made of bones, turned first red, then blue and then yellow, smoothly flowing into the normal green color of Orconid skin. And psionic thunder flashed over the valley. Everyone present: people, orcs and other creatures had their ears ringing and their vision blurred, but soon everything returned to normal... Well, almost everything. - WAAAAGH... MAI'S FRIENDS, WHAT HAPPENED? - The orc warboss rose to his feet. - I DON’T KNOW, BOSS, BUT WE MUST KEEP THE BATTLE AND DIE! VAIMYA SILL AND MORKA! - one of his nobs shouted, raising a curved sword above his head. - Why are you yelling there, green s**t? - the captain of the ultramarines bared his teeth - We just tore you apart like a hot water bottle, WE ARE THE ULTRAMARINES, WE ARE THE STRONGEST! - he literally growled. - WHAT, MISIEUR, LET'S HAVE A GLORIOUS BATTLE! LET'S FIND OUT WHO IS THE STRONGEST! FUCKING, MY FRIENDS, LET'S NOT SCRAP THE GLORY OF OUR FORECASTS! - the largest of the orcs answered him, still belligerently and proudly. And they fought again, shooting and hacking each other to pieces. But the outcome of the battle was already clear: victory was for the greenskins, and both sides understood this very well. - LET'S COME FRIENDS! WE ALMOST KILLED THEM! GLORY TO GORK AND MORK! - the warboss inspired his warriors, demonstratively placing his foot on the corpse of the ultramarine. - Let's go! Well n@#y! We pr@#%ali! - the captain shouted heart-rendingly, grinning and spitting saliva, while almost aimlessly shooting at the approaching opponents, but he, like his soldiers, suffered a terrible fate... The orcs celebrated the victory and hugged each other in a friendly manner, not forgetting to collect the rest after the enemy equipment. But the battle was not over yet, because the guards and their commanders were holed up in the bunker, waiting for the shuttle. However, they were unable to escape, because just a couple of minutes after the victory, the sound of a gas cutter was heard, slowly cutting through the steel door of the shelter. - BURN YOUR ENEMIES WITH THEM... UH... SLIDE AND MORKA! - the warboss ordered and the orcs joyfully began to pour fire on the people. After the job was completed, the gang leader stood for a while, as if thinking about something, and picked up the commissar’s cap from the floor, putting it crookedly on his bald skull...

Continuing the topic:

In the 8th century BC. the first nomads to capture the steppes of the Don were the Cimmerian tribes. In the 8th-7th centuries. BC. The war of the Cimmerians and the Iscithians began. Don has become distant...