Alexander Prokofiev. Sergei Prokofiev: biography, interesting facts, creativity

Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev(November, Kobona village, Novoladozhsky district, St. Petersburg province - September 18, 1971, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poet. Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1961) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).


Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich was born on November in the village of Kobona (now Leningrad region) in the family of a peasant - a fisherman and a tiller.

He graduated from a rural school and from 1913 to 1917 studied at the St. Petersburg Teachers' Seminary.

In 1919 he joined the RCP(b). Graduated from the Petrograd Teachers' Institute of the Red Army (1920). In 1922-1930, he was an employee of the plenipotentiary mission of the Cheka-OGPU in the Leningrad Military District. From 1923 he studied at the literary studio of the Leningrad Proletkult. He began publishing in 1927. In 1931 he published his first book of poems.

In 1922-30 he served as an investigator in the bodies of the Cheka-OGPU. All subsequent years he was in the active reserve of the state security agencies.

During the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), Prokofiev was a military journalist, a member of the writing group at the political department of the Leningrad Front. In 1945-1948 and 1955-1965 he was the executive secretary of the Leningrad branch of the RSFSR SP.

Member of the Central Audit Commission of the CPSU in 1956-1966. Delegate to the XX and XXII Congresses of the CPSU.


  • Songs were written based on Prokofiev’s poems, among which the most famous are “Comrade” (music by O. B. Ivanov, his first song), which became the unofficial anthem of youth, and “Golden Taiga” (music by V. V. Pushkov) from the film of the same name.
  • Composer Georgy Sviridov wrote the choral poem "Ladoga" based on Prokofiev's poems.
  • In 2003, in honor of the celebration of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga, St. Petersburg composer Vladislava Malakhovskaya wrote 3 choruses to poems by A. A. Prokofiev.
  • A street in the north-west of St. Petersburg is named after A. A. Prokofiev.

Awards and prizes

  • By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 1, 1970, for outstanding services in the development of Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with his seventieth birthday, Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.
  • four Orders of Lenin (1957, 1960, 1967, 1970).
  • Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1944).
  • Order of the Red Star.
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1939).
  • badge “Honorary employee of the Cheka-GPU (V)”.
  • Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946) - for the poem “Russia” and the poems: “We will not give it up!”, “For you, Leningrad!”, “Drinking”, “Oath” and others.
  • Lenin Prize (1961) - for the collection of poems “Invitation to Travel” (1960).


  • Noon, 1931
  • Victory, 1932
  • Road over the bridge, 1933
  • Russia, 1944 (poem)
  • Poems, 1947
  • Poems from the Road, 1963
  • Grapes, 1967
  • Immortality, 1970.

    Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich

    Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich-, Russian Soviet poet, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1919. The first collections of poems “Noon”, “Street of Red Dawns” (both ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich- (19001971), poet, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1919. In Petrograd (Leningrad) since 1922. During the Civil War among the defenders of revolutionary Petrograd, during the Great Patriotic War he participated in the defense of Leningrad;... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    PROKOFIEV Alexander Andreevich- (1900 71) Russian poet, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Poetry, imbued with optimistic sentiments, is focused on the North Russian dialect and folklore: the collections Noon (1931), Zarechye (1955), Invitation to Travel (1960; Leninskaya ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich- (1900 1971), poet, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1919. In Petrograd (Leningrad) since 1922. During the Civil War among the defenders of revolutionary Petrograd, during the Great Patriotic War he participated in the defense of Leningrad;... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich- (1900 1971), Russian poet, Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Poetry, imbued with optimistic sentiments, is focused on the North Russian dialect and folklore: the collections “Noon” (1931), “Zarechye” (1955), “Invitation to Travel” (1960;... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Prokofiev, Alexander Andreevich- modern poet. Genus. on Ladoga in the family of a peasant fisherman. Graduated from three classes of teachers' seminary. From 1919 to 1930 in the Red Army. During the Civil War he fought on the St. Petersburg front. He was captured by Yudenich and escaped. Published since 1927 in... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    PROKOFIEV Alexander Andreevich- (19001971), Russian Soviet poet, Hero of Socialism. Labor (1970). Member CPSU since 1919. Book. poems “Street of Red Dawns”, “Noon” (both 1931), “Victory” (1932), “The Road across the Bridge” (1933), “Vremennik. Poems 193233.” (1934), “Wings”... ... Literary encyclopedic dictionary

    Prokofiev, Alexander- Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev Date of birth: November 19 (December 2) 1900 (19001202) Place of birth: Kobona village Date of death: September 18, 1971 Place of death: Leningrad ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev- ... Wikipedia


  • A fast cat was walking. Poems, Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich. A collection of poems by Alexander Prokofiev for preschool children... Buy for 252 rubles
  • Good kids, Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich. The kids in this book are just a sight for sore eyes: well-behaved, cheerful, and everyone is busy.
They help adults, and dance fervently, and show off in smart new clothes, and launch boats in a puddle, and walk with...
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Biography, life story of Prokofiev Alexander Andreevich

Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev is a literary figure of the 20th century, a recognized master of poetic lyricism.

early years

The poet's life journey began in the St. Petersburg province. Alexander Andreevich was born on November 19 (December 2, new style) 1900 in the village of Kobona, located on the territory of the Volkhov district. My father worked the land and fished, which is how he made a living. The boy, born into a simple peasant family, helped his parents with housework. In addition, he often disappeared with a fishing rod on the river, and also picked berries in the forest. The small earnings received in this way were spent on printed publications, which he bought from peddlers.

Sasha was first seized by a passion for reading, and then he tried to compose texts on his own. The boy wrote his first work while studying at a rural school.

At the age of fifteen, the young man entered the zemstvo teacher's school, the duration of which was five years. But he was not destined to graduate from this institution: his father went to the front as a soldier (this was during the First World War), so the family was left without a breadwinner. Alexander dropped out of school and went to work at the post office.

Convinced communist

The aspiring poet captured his front-line impressions on paper. Prokofiev's literary debut came in 1919, when his first works appeared in the newspaper Novoladozhskaya Kommuna. Alexander's poems were imbued with a patriotic and proletarian spirit. The poet did not hover in some kind of virtual reality, but described exactly those events of which he was an eyewitness.


Alexander Prokofiev often had to compose at night, because his work took up all his daytime time. The poet worked as the head of the garrison club, at the military commissariat, and state security agencies. And he always found time for creativity. The words of his quatrain can be seen in the KGB headquarters for the Leningrad region. In the room of Battle Glory there are lines about the eternal memory of the brave security officers who fell at the hands of their enemies.

Literary creativity

In the 30s of the last century, the poet received national recognition and began to bask in the rays of fame. Several collections of his poems were published one after another.

During the Finnish war, Alexander Andreevich again found himself on the front line, but as a war journalist. He did not forget about poetry, writing poems every day. True, at that time they were devoid of lyrical shades: fierce battles were going on, and the poet focused the attention of his readers on the heroic exploits of the Red Army soldiers.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the poet-patriot again went to the front, again as a war correspondent. Prokofiev was next to the defenders of besieged Leningrad and encouraged them with his poems right in the trenches.

Post-war activities

For many years, Alexander Prokofiev stood at the helm of the Leningrad writers' organization. He performed his functions not formally, but actually tried to bring creative people closer to the common people. So that they can understand what ordinary people “breathe”. He did not shy away from helping writers and poets in solving various everyday problems.

A serious illness caused the poet’s death. Alexander Prokofiev died in his beloved city of Leningrad on September 18, 1971.

Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev is one of the most significant composers of the 20th century, and not only for domestic classical music lovers. His symphonic fairy tale for children “Peter and the Wolf”, the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” and the melancholic symphony No. 7 are included in all lists of world masterpieces.

Childhood and youth

Sergei was born in the Donetsk region, in the village of Sontsovka, which is now called the village of Krasnoe. Prokofiev's father was a scientist, engaged in agronomy, so the family belonged to the intelligentsia. The mother was involved in raising her son, and since the woman learned to play the piano well in childhood, she began to teach the child to music and the instrument.

Seryozha first sat down at the piano at the age of 5, and a few months later he wrote his first plays. His mother wrote down all his works in a special notebook, thanks to which these children's works were preserved for posterity. By the age of 10, Prokofiev already had a lot of works in his arsenal, including two operas.

It was clear to everyone around him that such musical talent needed to be developed, and one of the famous Russian teachers, Reinhold Gliere, was hired for the boy. At the age of 13, Sergei left for St. Petersburg and entered the capital's conservatory. Moreover, the gifted young man graduated from it in three directions at once: as a composer, pianist and organist.

When a revolution occurred in the country, Prokofiev decides that staying in Russia is pointless. He leaves for Japan, and from there seeks permission to move to the United States. While still in St. Petersburg, Sergei Sergeevich began performing as a pianist and performed only his own works at concerts.

He did the same in America, later toured Europe, and had great success. But in 1936, the man returned to the Soviet Union and lived permanently in Moscow, except for two short-term tours in the late 30s.


Apart from his early, that is, children's works, from the very beginning of his composition Sergei Prokofiev showed himself to be an innovator of musical language. His harmonies were so dense with sounds that it did not always resonate well with the audience. For example, in 1916, when the Scythian Suite was performed for the first time in St. Petersburg, many listeners left the concert hall, as the music fell upon them like a natural force and aroused fear and horror in their souls.

Prokofiev achieved this effect through a combination of complex, often dissonant, polyphony. This effect is especially clearly heard in the operas “The Love for Three Oranges” and “The Fiery Angel”, as well as in the Second and Third Symphonies.

But gradually Sergei Sergeevich’s style became calmer and more moderate. He added romanticism to overt modernism and, as a result, composed the most famous works that are included in the world chronicle of classical music. Lighter and more melodic harmonies made it possible to recognize the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” and the opera “Betrothal in a Monastery” as masterpieces.

And the symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf,” written specifically for the Central Children’s Theater, and the waltz from the ballet “Cinderella” became the composer’s calling cards and are still, along with the Seventh Symphony, considered the pinnacle of his work.

It is impossible not to mention the music for the films “Alexander Nevsky” and “Ivan the Terrible”, with the help of which Prokofiev proved that he could write in other genres. It is interesting that for Western listeners and musicians it is Sergei Prokofiev’s compositions that are the embodiment of the Russian soul. His melodies were used from this perspective, for example, by a British rock musician and an American film director.

Personal life

When the composer was on tour in Europe, he met Carolina Codina, the daughter of Russian emigrants, in Spain. They got married, and soon two sons appeared in the family - Svyatoslav and Oleg. When Prokofiev returned to Moscow in 1936, his wife and children went with him.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Sergeevich sent his relatives to evacuate, and he lived separately from them. He never moved in with his wife again. The fact is that the composer met Maria Cecilia Mendelssohn, whom everyone called Mira. The girl studied at the Literary Institute and was 24 years younger than her lover.

Prokofiev filed for divorce, but Lina Kodina refused, realizing that for her, as someone born abroad, only marriage with a famous person was the saving grace during a period of mass arrests and repressions.

However, in 1947, the Soviet government considered Prokofiev’s first marriage unofficial and invalid, so the composer was able to marry again without any obstacles. And Lina, indeed, was arrested and exiled to Mordovian camps. After mass rehabilitation in 1956, the woman went to London, where she outlived her ex-husband by 30 years.

Sergei Prokofiev was a big fan of chess, and he did not play at the amateur level. The composer was a serious rival even for recognized grandmasters and even beat the future world champion, Cuban Jose Raul Capablanca.


By the end of the 40s, the composer's health had weakened greatly. He almost never left his dacha near Moscow, where he observed a strict medical regime, but still continued to work - simultaneously writing a sonata, a ballet and a symphony. Sergei Prokofiev spent the winter in a Moscow communal apartment. It was there that he died on March 5, 1953 as a result of another hypertensive crisis.

Since the composer died on the same day as , all the country’s attention was focused on the death of the “leader,” and the composer’s death turned out to be virtually unnoticed and unreported by the press. Relatives even had to face difficulties in organizing a funeral, but as a result, Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev was laid to rest at the Novodevichy cemetery.


  • Opera "War and Peace"
  • Opera "The Love for Three Oranges"
  • Ballet "Romeo and Juliet"
  • Ballet "Cinderella"
  • Classical (First) Symphony
  • Seventh Symphony
  • Symphonic fairy tale for children “Peter and the Wolf”
  • Plays "Fleetingness"
  • Concerto No. 3 for piano and orchestra


Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev (November 19 (December 2), 1900 in the village of Kobona (now Leningrad region) - September 18, 1971, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poet. Hero of Socialist Labor (1970). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1961) and the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).

Born into the family of a peasant fisherman and tiller.

He graduated from a rural school and from 1913 to 1917 studied at the St. Petersburg Teachers' Seminary.

In 1919 he joined the RCP(b). Graduated from the Petrograd Teachers' Institute of the Red Army (1920). In 1922-1930, he was an employee of the plenipotentiary mission of the Cheka-OGPU in the Leningrad Military District. Since 1923, he studied at the literary studio of the Leningrad Proletkult. He began publishing in 1927. In 1931 he published his first book of poems.

In 1922-1930 he served as an intelligence officer in the bodies of the Cheka-OGPU. All subsequent years he was in the active reserve of the state security agencies.

During the Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940) and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) Prokofiev- military journalist, member of the writing group at the political directorate of the Leningrad Front. In 1945-1948 and 1955-1965 he was the executive secretary of the Leningrad branch of the RSFSR SP.

Member of the Central Audit Commission of the CPSU in 1956-1966. Delegate to the XX and XXII Congresses of the CPSU.

He was buried at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.


Songs were written based on Prokofiev’s poems, among which the most famous are “Comrade” (music by O. B. Ivanov, his first song), which became the unofficial anthem of youth, and “Golden Taiga” (music by V. V. Pushkov) from the film of the same name.
Composer Georgy Sviridov wrote the choral poem “Ladoga” based on Prokofiev’s poems.
In 2003, in honor of the celebration of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga, St. Petersburg composer Vladislava Malakhovskaya wrote 3 choruses to poems by A. A. Prokofiev.


A street in the north-west of St. Petersburg is named after A. A. Prokofiev.

Awards and prizes

By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of December 1, 1970, for outstanding services in the development of Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the seventieth anniversary of his birth, Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.
four Orders of Lenin (1957, 1960, 1967, 1970).
Order of the Patriotic War, II degree (1944).
Order of the Red Star.
Order of the Badge of Honor (1939).
badge “Honorary employee of the Cheka-GPU (V)”.
Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946) - for the poem “Russia” and the poems: “We will not give it up!”, “For you, Leningrad!”, “Drinking”, “Oath” and others.
Lenin Prize (1961) - for the collection of poems “Invitation to Travel” (1960).

At a meeting with Khrushchev, the poet Smirnov said:

“You know, Nikita Sergeevich, we were now in Italy, many took Alexander Andreevich Prokofiev for you.” Khrushchev looked at Prokofiev as if he were his own cartoon, a caricature; Prokofiev is the same height, with the same rough physiognomy, fat, snouty, with a flattened nose... Khrushchev looked at this caricature, frowned and walked away without saying anything. (According to the memoirs of D. Granin)


Collected works in 4 volumes. M., 1978-1980
Collected works in 4 volumes. L., 1965-1966
Collection of poems in 2 volumes. L., 1961
Works in 2 volumes. L., 1957
Selected items in 2 volumes. L., 1972
Noon, 1931
Victory, 1932
Poems. L., 1932
Road across the bridge, L., ed. writers, 1933
Collection of poems. L., 1934
Favorites. L., GIHL, 1935, - 208 pp., 6,300 copies.
Direct verses. L., 1936
Wings. M.-L., 1937
Poems 1927-1937. L., 1938
Banner. L., 1940
Harmonic. L., GIHL, 1944
Russia. L., 1944
Russia, M., 1946 (poem)
Space. L., 1945
Poems. 1927-1947. - Goslitizdat, 1947. - 590 pp., 25,000 copies.
Favorites. - M., Sov. writer, 1947, - 300 pp., 25,000 copies.
Poems. M.-L., 1950
On my way. - M., 1953
Poems. M., 1954
Zarechye. L., 1955
Lyrics. L., 1956
Poems and poems. M., 1959
Invitation to travel. - L., 1960
Oath. - L., 1960
Poems from the road, L., Soviet writer, 1963
Gorislava. M, 1963
Under the sun and under the showers. L., 1964
Wonderful anxiety. 1965
Grozdya, L., Soviet writer, 1967
Addictions. L., 1967
Farewell to the seaside. L., 1969
Immortality, L., 1970.
Selected Poems. L., 1970
Great song of Russia. M., 1971

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