The most logical game in the world. What's the hardest puzzle in the world? The most difficult puzzle in the world: the battle of people and gods

Intelligence is the most important thing that distinguishes people from other representatives of the animal world. Man used his mind to achieve unprecedented heights in science and technology, but sometimes the games of the mind were not only of a purely practical and utilitarian nature: this is how many various puzzles, for the solution of which you have to thoroughly “think about it.” You will find ten of them in this collection.

1. The most difficult Sudoku in the world

One of the most popular types of crossword puzzles in the world is Sudoku - a Japanese number puzzle. Its principle is simple, so many amateurs try to create their own versions. In 2012, Finnish mathematician Arto Incala claimed to have developed “the world’s hardest Sudoku.”

As the British newspaper “The Telegraph” reports, if the simplest of the common variants of Sudoku on the difficulty scale are designated as “1”, and the most complex of the popular ones are rated as “5”, then the version proposed by the mathematician is “11”.

2. The most difficult logic puzzle

There are three gods, A, B, and C, one of which is the god of truth, another the god of lies, and the third the god of chance, and it is not clear which is which. The god of truth always tells the truth, the god of lies deceives, and the god of chance can say both in any order. It is necessary to determine who each of the gods is by asking three yes or no questions, each question being asked of only one god. The gods understand the questions, but answer in their own language, which contains the words “da” and “ja”, but it is not known which word means “yes” and which “no”.

This logical problem, authored by the American philosopher and logician George Boulos, was first published in the Italian newspaper “la Repubblica” in 1992. In his comments to the riddle, Boulos makes an important point: each god can be asked more than one question, but more than three cannot be asked.

3. The most difficult sum-do-ku in the world

One of the popular varieties of Sudoku is sum-do-ku, also called “killer Sudoku”. The only difference is that sum-do-ku contains additional numbers - the sums of values ​​in groups of cells, while the numbers contained in the group should not be repeated. In the popular puzzle service, you can track the difficulty rating of published problems, one of them was sum-do-ku, which is depicted here.

4. Bongard's most difficult "Problem of Recognition"

This type of puzzle was invented by the outstanding Russian cyberneticist, the founder of the theory of pattern recognition, Mikhail Moiseevich Bongard: in 1967, he first published one of them in his book “The Problem of Recognition.” The “Bongard problem” gained wide popularity when the famous American physicist and computer scientist Douglas Hofstadter mentioned them in his work “Gödel, Escher, Bach: This Infinite Garland.”

The two most difficult examples of such problems are taken from, to solve them you must find a rule that matches the six images on the left page, but does not match the six pictures on the right side.

5. The most difficult tracing paper puzzle

This type of Sudoku is similar to sum-do-ku, but, firstly, any arithmetic operations are used to calculate the value of the cells, not just addition, secondly, the field can be a square of any size (the number of cells is not limited), and -third, unlike Sudoku, there does not have to be clues from 1 to 9 in each 3x3 square. Such problems were developed by Japanese mathematics teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto.

Here you can try to figure out the most difficult calcu-doku, which was published on on April 2, 2013. Only 9.6% of regular visitors to the resource managed to solve it.

6. The most difficult task from IBM

It is necessary to develop an information storage system that would encode 24 bits of information on eight disks of four bits each, provided that:

  1. Eight 4-bit disks are united by one 32-bit system, in which any function from 24 to 32 bits can be calculated with no more than five mathematical operations from the set (+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ~).
  2. After the failure of any two disks out of eight, these 24 bits of information can be restored.

On the IBM website there is a regular column “Think About This!”, in which interesting logical problems have been published since 1998. The task given here is one of the most difficult.

7. Kakuro's hardest puzzle

Kakuro puzzles combine elements of Sudoku, logic, crosswords and basic math. The goal is to fill the cells with numbers from one to nine, and the sum of the numbers in each horizontal and vertical block must converge with the specified number, and the numbers within the same block must not be repeated. For horizontal blocks, the required amount is written directly to the left, and for vertical blocks, at the top.

This example of one of the hardest kakuro puzzles is taken from the popular puzzle resource

8. One of Martin Gardner's problems

American mathematician Martin Gardner is the author of many different problems and puzzles. One of his most interesting works is calculating the number that will require the fewest steps to reduce it to a single digit by multiplying the digits of that number. For example, the number 77 will require four such steps: 77 - 49 - 36 - 18 - 8. Gardner calls the number of steps the “persistence number.”

The smallest number with a toughness number of one is 10, for a toughness number of 2 it would be 25, the smallest number with a toughness number of 3 is 39, if the toughness number is 4 the smallest number for it would be 77. What is the smallest number with a toughness number of 5 ?

9. The most interesting problem from the game Go

Go was invented in China more than 2.5 thousand years ago, making it one of the most ancient games on Earth. Despite the fairly simple rules, it still attracts thousands of people with the opportunity to solve interesting strategic problems. The goal of the game is to fence off a larger area than the enemy with stones of your own color. The situation depicted above is one of the most difficult in the history of Go: the most experienced players spent more than 1 thousand hours of game time solving it. How can black win in this game?

10. The Hardest of the Fill-A-Pix Puzzles

Fill-A-Pix was invented by English mathematician Trevor Truran. This game is similar to the well-known “Mineweeper”: the player must, guided solely by logic, determine which cells should be colored and which will remain empty until the image is formed. Since several key values ​​affect one cell at once, it will take some time to obtain the final image.

Above you can see the Fill-A-Pix puzzle, prepared by the staff of, where you can find many variations of this game and other interesting problems.

The most difficult puzzle in the world- this is the game in which you need take everything literally. The game is quite popular, many are racking their brains over the difficult puzzles of the first and second parts of the game. For my readers now I will make a whole, detailed analysis 2 parts of the game, and I will describe passing the most difficult puzzle in the world 2.

Before you start giving Answers for completing the second part of the literal puzzle, I’ll tell you a little about the structure of this post, so that if suddenly something happens, you don’t read anything unnecessary.

a little decoding: LMB and RMB are the left and right mouse buttons, respectively.

To begin with: if you have not played the most difficult puzzles in the world, then we need to fix it! Here are the links to the games (will open in a new window):

Don't look at the answers yet! Try it yourself! I'm sure you will succeed. Well, if difficulties still arise, you have this page, and in the comments I will always answer if anything happens.

We won’t start right away with the answers, let’s start with some guiding hints that may help you get through this difficult Part 2 of the literal puzzle.

Hints for completing the most difficult puzzle in the world 2:

Exercise 1:

1 hint – choose one arrow out of four.

Hint 2 – LMB.

Tip 3 – center and beyond.

Task 2:

Tip 1: Weight your index finger (=

Task 3:

1 hint – do you correspond by mail?

Tip 2 – if not, then start!

Task 4:

1 hint – .txt

Tip 2 – it’s what’s inside that matters

Task 5:

1 tip – what can you use to open almost any file on your computer?

Tip 2 - he sees all encodings and can even convert them, even though he is small!

Task 6:

1 hint – LMB and RMB – choose

Hint 2 – did you choose? now press from right to left both

Task 7:

1 hint – task 6

Task 8:

1 tip - the browser can do everything

Hint 2 – ctrl+

Task 9:

1 hint - against the clock

Tip 2 – remember what happened at the beginning? before 1 task

Hint 3 – don’t you remember? Well, let us remind you - you downloaded the game

Tip 4 – try loading again using the button: “round arrow”

Task 10:

1 tip – you need to capture the moment. Maybe you should buy a camera?

Tip 2 – the key is very useful – is it Prt?? I don’t remember how next

Tip 3 – Paint is also needed!

Task 11:

1 tip – can’t make it in time? Well, give it up!

Task 12:

1 hint – can the monitor be turned upside down? or so you will focus

Task 13:

1 hint: our favorite search engine?

Hint 2: don’t know where the key is? Google it!

Task 14:

1 hint: there is no mouse here

2nd hint: maybe you saw it somewhere?

Task 15:

1 hint: you need a friend, you can’t live without him

Task 16:

1 tip: patience and reaction

Tip 2: can only be caught in one place

Task 17:

1 hint: on the keyboard

Hint 2: find 2 buttons

Task 18:

1 hint: top

Hint 2: above the site

Hint 3: password is there

Task 19:

I myself didn’t understand how to go through it, apparently I need to find a melody. Hints are unnecessary here.

Task 20:

Hint 1: did you notice anything extra in the tasks?

hint 2: look for these numbers

hint 3: 3 windows!

Task 21:

tip 1: Windows is being configured

tip 2: the mouse has a harsh character, change it

Task 22:

tip 1: panel

tip 2: controls

Task 23:

tip 1: rewind or wait

hint 2: 0-20-40

Task 24:

tip 1: no pink - find orange

Task 25:

hint 1: fire

hint 2: 16 from part 1

So! If after these, not the best tips for completing the most difficult puzzle in the world 2 You still haven’t figured it out completely, so I suggest you read it answers to a literal puzzle.

Walkthrough and answers to the most difficult puzzle in the world 2:

The text needs to be zoomed in using the browser itself - look in the options. In some, the keyboard shortcut ctrl+ works

And don't forget about the light bulbs?

The screen is taken using the PrtSc key, then Paint opens and press ctrl+v

One of the most difficult tasks. If you can't drag the key, try opening the game on the developer's website.

Not being able to cope without a friend is a shame.

I couldn’t find the melody, apparently I didn’t try much. But the password is correct - try it!

Complete walkthrough of the game (Attention, watch only if you really can’t complete it, don’t spoil the impression of the game) :

1. Simon says

When the arrows point to the center, you need to click anywhere in the game, when the arrows point in different directions from the center, you need to click outside the boundaries of the game.

2. Don't let go!

Click on the button for this task in the menu and do not release the left mouse button until the task is completed.

Password: hello world

4. Send me a Hello

Create a txt file on your computer and write in it Hello. Click on the Submit File button and select this file.

5. This is text

Copy these characters into any text editor. Password: crazy

6. On your mouse

7. Pause Play

Right-click the pause icon and select the option from the context menu that appears. Play

8. Tiny text

Zoom in on your browser until the word is visible. Password: microscopic

Click on the small circle located on the right side of the large circle and rotate counterclockwise until an empty square appears on the right. Restart the game (you can refresh the page) and on the initial screen of the game (where the “language selection” and “start” buttons are), click on the heart.

Click the "Show" button and while the cameras are visible, take a screenshot (press the PrtScr, go to Paint and select Edit>Paste from the menu). Count the cameras and write their number (each time the number of cameras is different)

Don't even try to put the picture together. Just exit the task (click on the button with a cross).

12. Inversion

13. Find The key to my he4rt

We go to any search engine and write in the search "The key to my he4rt". We find a small flash game that has a key. Open the game in one window (or tab) and the key in another. Click on the key, transfer it to the game and insert it into the heart. (Attention! This thing does not work on the PG - the key cannot be dragged. In this case, I suggest completing the game (your progress in the game will be saved), then use the key. In this case, the task can be completed).

14. Cat and mouse

We return to task 6 (On your mouse), click on the mouse shown in the task with the left mouse button and drag it to task 14.

15. Party

Press the button Invite, and send the link and door code to your friend. Your friend must go into this game, open this task, press the button Go, enter the door code and press the bell.

16. Butterfly

Open the task, immediately exit and continue playing. After a while, a butterfly will fly in the menu and in other tasks. As soon as you see her, open task 16 and catch her with a net.

17. The key is the key

Press Tab three times and Enter once

18. Useless puzzle

When you type a melody on the keyboard, you press the onetwotwothree keys. Breaking this down into words, it becomes one two two three (one two two three). Password: 1223

20. 3+20+16=2 animals

The essence of this task is that in tasks 3, 20, 16 there are drawings that are parts of some kind of animal. If we combine them, we get a drawing of an animal that looks like both a rabbit and a duck. Therefore, there will be two passwords. First password: rabbit, second password: duck

21. Slowly

The task can be completed if you reduce the mouse pointer speed to a minimum (method for XP: Start>Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options), and then simply go through the maze.

22. Resolution

23. Everything has its time

The point of the task is to give a person a certain thing at a certain age. But, in order not to wait so long for him to grow up, you can change the time on the computer. To complete the task, you need to immediately give the baby a pacifier, then change the time by 30 minutes and give boots, then change the time by 35 minutes and give a crutch.

24. Je vois la vie en rose

This task also has two ways to solve it. Method 1 (if you have a webcam): bring a red or pink object to the webcam. Method 2 (if you don't have a webcam): create a file rose.jpg or pink.jpg, and clicking on the “I don’t have a webcam” button, select this file.

25. Invisible ink

A very interesting task. In order to complete it, you need to open the first part of the game in a new tab and select task 16 (with a candle), and in another tab open part 2 of the game and select task 25. The invisible ink will become visible and we will see the apple. Password: apple(This thing works on PG if you use the first part).

1 award
2nd award
3rd award
4th award
5 award

If the text version of the walkthrough is not clear to you, you can watch a video walkthrough from the author of the game: Part 1 (from 1 to 20 tasks), Part 2 (from 21 to 25 tasks)

As you know, small but tricky tasks, often called “puzzles,” help to “stir up” the brain. Usually these problems are more logical in nature than mathematical. What is the difference?

The fact is that when solving a mathematical problem, you usually need to use one or more theorems, remember axioms or formulas. There are also mathematical ones, but let's focus specifically on puzzles that require ingenuity, breadth of thinking and the ability to abstract in order to find the correct answer.

There are different types of puzzles, but is there one that makes more than one million people work to solve it? Of course, the most difficult puzzle in the world exists! Get ready to rack your brains for more than one evening.

The most difficult puzzle in the world: the battle of people and gods

This is the name of the puzzle proposed by the American logician and philosopher George Boulos. It was first published in the Italian newspaper Republic in 1992.

It is noteworthy that Boulos did not even allow inquisitive minds to suffer and attached a solution to the puzzle to the same article. So, the content of the logic puzzle is as follows. There are three gods that are familiar to each other (Boulos suggests using A, B, and C in no particular order): the god of lies, the god of truth, and the god of chance. The god of truth speaks only the truth, the god of lies only lies, the god of chance can speak both the truth and lies in any order. We need to determine who is who by asking just three questions, the answer to which can only be “yes” or “no.” Each question can only be asked (you cannot ask everyone at once). The gods understand human language, but prefer to answer in their own. In their language there are two words - “ja” and “da”, and we do not know which word is “no” and which is “yes”.

The most difficult puzzle in the world: some explanations

Boulos also slightly expanded the problem statement, adding the following points:

  • One god can be asked more than one question. Thus, it may turn out that someone will not get one.
  • The next question can be formulated only after receiving the answer to the previous one.
  • The god of chance chooses the answer to a question by tossing a coin that is in his head.
  • It is forbidden to ask “paradox” questions, for example, “Are you going to answer “ja” now?

The most difficult puzzle in the world: tips for the solution

The philosopher and logician Boulos proposed to begin by calculating either the god of lies or the god of truth. To do this, you can use complex logical connections in the question. For example, the following questions might be asked:

  • Does it mean that “da” is “yes”, despite the fact that you are the god of truth, and B is the god of chance?
  • Is there an odd number of true statements in this list: “da” means “yes”, you are the god of lies, B is the god of chance?

Thus, the most difficult puzzle requires you to first determine which answer means "yes" and which means "no." Next, based on this, we need to move on to the definition of gods. By the way, you could identify one of the gods already in the first question (if you used one of the approximate options proposed above). We will not reveal all the secrets of the solution, because the most difficult puzzle game can be within your power if you think logically. Remember that you only have two questions left. Formulate difficult questions. You will determine the last god by elimination.

Man used his mind to achieve unprecedented heights in science and technology, but sometimes the games of the mind were not only of a purely practical and utilitarian nature: this is how many different puzzles were born, to solve which you have to thoroughly “use your brain.”

You will find ten of them in the selection Faktrum.

The most difficult sudoku in the world

One of the most popular types of crossword puzzles in the world is Sudoku - a Japanese number puzzle. Its principle is simple, so many amateurs try to create their own versions. In 2012, Finnish mathematician Arto Incala claimed to have developed “the world’s hardest Sudoku.”

As the British newspaper “The Telegraph” reports, if the simplest of the common variants of Sudoku on the difficulty scale are designated as “1”, and the most complex of the popular ones are rated as “5”, then the version proposed by the mathematician is “11”.

The most difficult logic puzzle

There are three gods, A, B, and C, one of which is the god of truth, another the god of lies, and the third the god of chance, and it is not clear which is which. The god of truth always tells the truth, the god of lies deceives, and the god of chance can say both in any order. It is necessary to determine who each of the gods is by asking three yes or no questions, each question being asked of only one god. The gods understand the questions, but answer in their own language, which contains the words “da” and “ja”, but it is not known which word means “yes” and which “no”.

This logical problem, authored by the American philosopher and logician George Boulos, was first published in the Italian newspaper “la Repubblica” in 1992. In his comments to the riddle, Boulos makes an important point: each god can be asked more than one question, but more than three cannot be asked.

The most difficult sum-do-ku in the world

One of the popular varieties of Sudoku is sum-do-ku, also called “killer Sudoku”. The only difference is that sum-do-ku contains additional numbers - the sums of values ​​in groups of cells, while the numbers contained in the group should not be repeated. In the popular puzzle service, you can track the difficulty rating of published problems, one of them was sum-do-ku, which is depicted here.

Bongard's most difficult "Problem of Recognition"

This type of puzzle was invented by the outstanding Russian cyberneticist, the founder of the theory of pattern recognition, Mikhail Moiseevich Bongard: in 1967, he first published one of them in his book “The Problem of Recognition.” The “Bongard problem” gained wide popularity when the famous American physicist and computer scientist Douglas Hofstadter mentioned them in his work “Gödel, Escher, Bach: This Infinite Garland.”

The two most difficult examples of such problems are taken from, to solve them you must find a rule that matches the six images on the left page, but does not match the six pictures on the right side.

The most difficult tracing paper puzzle

This type of Sudoku is similar to sum-do-ku, but, firstly, any arithmetic operations are used to calculate the value of the cells, not just addition, secondly, the field can be a square of any size (the number of cells is not limited), and -third, unlike Sudoku, there does not have to be clues from 1 to 9 in each 3x3 square. Such problems were developed by Japanese mathematics teacher Tetsuya Miyamoto.

One of Martin Gardner's tasks

American mathematician Martin Gardner is the author of many different problems and puzzles. One of his most interesting works is calculating the number that will require the fewest steps to reduce it to a single digit by multiplying the digits of that number. For example, the number 77 will require four such steps: 77 - 49 - 36 - 18 - 8. Gardner calls the number of steps the “persistence number.”

The smallest number with a toughness number of one is 10, for a toughness number of 2 it would be 25, the smallest number with a toughness number of 3 is 39, if the toughness number is 4 the smallest number for it would be 77. What is the smallest number with a toughness number of 5 ?

Go was invented in China more than 2.5 thousand years ago, making it one of the most ancient games on Earth. Despite the fairly simple rules, it still attracts thousands of people with the opportunity to solve interesting strategic problems. The goal of the game is to fence off a larger area than the enemy with stones of your own color. The situation depicted above is one of the most difficult in the history of Go: the most experienced players spent more than 1 thousand hours of game time solving it. How can black win in this game?

The Hardest Fill-A-Pix Puzzle

Fill-A-Pix was invented by English mathematician Trevor Truran. This game is similar to the well-known “Mineweeper”: the player must, guided solely by logic, determine which cells should be colored and which will remain empty until the image is formed. Since several key values ​​affect one cell at once, it will take some time to obtain the final image.

Above you can see the Fill-A-Pix puzzle, prepared by the staff of, where you can find many variations of this game and other interesting problems.

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